Current Students » Student Code of Conduct

Student Code of Conduct

Jordan Academy of Technology and Careers (JATC) is a specialty high school that offers unique learning experiences. Unlike your home high school, enrolling at JATC is a privilege rather than an inherent right. This agreement sets forth the obligations of both students and their guardians, aiming to secure mutual understanding and consent. If the student or their guardians refuse to accept these obligations, the privilege to attend JATC will be forfeited. Furthermore, this Code of Conduct applies to all Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO), i.e., HOSA, SkillsUSA, Ed Rising, TSA, FFA, etc, and their activities. 


Attendance: The nature of education at a specialized institution like JATC mandates regular attendance. Acquiring a trade, skill, or career-oriented education demands student presence in the classroom. Should a student exhibit chronic absenteeism—including tardiness—their enrollment at JATC may be subject to termination.


Substance Use and Distribution Policy: Students must refrain from using, possessing, or distributing tobacco, drugs, or alcoholic beverages. Violating this rule, including the misuse of prescription drugs or the distribution of over-the-counter medications, will result in ineligibility to participate in school activities for the remainder of the school year. Students are permitted to carry only the recommended 8-hour medication dosage during the school day.


Behavior: The following are some examples of behavior that may lead to loss of attending JATC: 
  • Insolence, insubordination, or disrespect of any kind to JATC school staff members
  • Sluffing classes or activities where attendance is required
  • Rowdy or disruptive behavior in the building
  • Theft of personal or public property while at school
  • Destruction of, defacing, or vandalizing school property.
  • Participating in an illegal act or being present in a place where an illegal act is occurring
  • Cheating or plagiarizing on assignments, tests, or projects
  • Disregarding any program policy.
  • Non-participation


Bullying: Physical, verbal, or cyberbullying is unacceptable by students and parents and will not be tolerated.


Profanity: Any student’s profane and obscene language is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.


Dress and Grooming: Students must follow the Jordan School District's dress code and the specific dress code necessary for the course/skill/trade they are attending (e.g., no shorts in welding, open-toed shoes in EMT, scrubs when required for medical, etc.).


Media Release: I permit my students to have pictures on the school’s websites and social media and to be recorded when presenting in team-related CTE competitions. I grant permission to use my child’s image for publication on the Jordan School District website and social media.


If a student violates these rules, a meeting will be held with the administration. The seriousness of the offense will determine whether the student can continue enrollment and participation at JATC.